Social Media Marketing

Branded Facebook Pages
Showcase your business on Facebook with a branded profile image and custom Welcome Page

Branded Twitter Backgrounds
Your social media profiles should match your website. We create custom branded Twitter profiles.

YouTube Video Channels
YouTube is the second most popular search engine. WOW your visitors with a branded YouTube video channel

User-friendly Blogs
Keep your visitors informed with a blog on your website that's easy to manage. Some blogs can even publish preview posts directly to your Facebook and Twitter accounts

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Social Media Branding and Marketing

Social networking isn't just fun and games; it's an effective online marketing tool that connects businesses to new customers in unprecenented, interactive ways. Big retailers like Target and Best Buy, and restaurants like Starbucks have caught the social media fever, using their Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages as extenisons of their brand and marketing campaigns.

Engage with your customers, too! They're expecting you...

Social Networking for Businesses and Organizations: